One of the students, Phil, invited the FOCUS team and I out to his family ranch out in South Dakota. It was about a 8 hour drive, and the time spent out in the country was so refreshing we returned to campus refreshed and ready to continue in the work God has given us! I hope you enjoy the pictures below. You will notice that our small group grew as our time in South Dakota went on. We just happened upon quite a few people and were more than happy to include them in our adventures!
Back on the ranch, we shot some guns. This is my teammate Amy taking a turn. |
Do you recognize the two faces in the back? Carved out of rock? Hiking around Mt. Rushmore was so rewarding once we were at the top! When you come with a local, they know the best place to hike up!
We visited the Wind Cave, but the tours for the day had already ended. Still a great opportunity to learn about this national park, and next time I am in the area I will be returning to check it out! |
Beer tasting at a local pub! So much fun with these goofballs :) |
Phil's Dad joined us downtown on our last night in South Dakota. Such a great time with everyone in this picture. |
By the end of our trip we had so many additions to the group, and Phil's family hosted dinner for all of us! Venison steaks wrapped in bacon. You could say we were well taken care of!
All in all, I could not be more grateful to the Weir family for hosting the team and I over the weekend! Continue to pray for the team here, now that we are back in Omaha. So many students have been coming around these past few weeks. Although it has been busier than ever, and I would not have it any other way! :) And know of my prayers for you-may the peace of Christ be with you this day!