Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Pilgrimage 2015: World meeting of Families in Philadelphia, PA

"A society grows strong, grows good, grows beautiful, and grows in truth if it's built on the foundation of a family"- Pope Francis at World Meeting of Families 2015

Thursday/Friday: Traveling Days 

On Thursday afternoon, just after Amanda got out of class at the University of Nebraska Omaha, she came over to my apartment to find Amy (my roommate), Andrea (another student in her junior year at UNO) and I all packed into the rental car that would take the four of us from Omaha, NE to Philadelphia, PA and along the way we stayed with Amanda's family, both in Pittsburg and in Media which helped save us money since we did not have to rent a hotel room. Just before we left we attended daily mass at Christ the King Catholic Church in Omaha, and after mass received a special blessing from the priest for a safe and blessed trip. After a quick cup of coffee for the road, and lunch at Chipotle we left Omaha and were on our way!
Traveling from Omaha to Philadelphia

Andrea, Jamie (me), Amy, and Amanda as
we get ready to leave Omaha!
 Thursday was filled with driving and getting to know one another, and we stayed in Pittsburg with Amanda’s grandparents in the early hours of Friday and into the early afternoon as we rested from a long nights drive. Then Leaving at about 12:30 on Friday we drove to Media, just outside Philadelphia, where we stayed with Amanda’s Uncle Dennis and Aunt Ruth. We were able to go to a nearby church and pray for a bit in adoration and after returned to her Aunt and Uncles house where we ate dinner together and had amazing conversation with the two who are college professors at the local community colleges. It was so amazing to hear their stories and learn about their lives. Her Aunt Ruth spent many years as a child psychiatrist and it was fascinating to hear about what it was like and some of her more memorable cases. They were some of the most hospitable people I have ever met. Soon enough we were off to bed to rest up before we left on Saturday morning to head into the city!

Dinner with Amanda's Aunt Ruth and Uncle Dennis in
Media, PA.

Saturday: The day of great Joy and Surprise 

There was not one moment of the day Saturday that I did not feel the presence of God. He was with us every step of the way and everything fell into place- it could not have gone better if we had tried to plan it because we could not have orchestrated such an incredible plan. It was clear that we were right where He wanted us to be and that each person we encountered, not matter how brief, we met for a reason.

We left Media, PA at 4:00 am and drove to New Jersey so that we could buy our PATCO (train) ticket into the city. We got there easily and with no traffic, and began waiting in line (Amanda is convinced that the road doesn’t actually exist because we couldn’t find it on a map and there was no one else on the road! Who knows, but getting to the train station as quickly as we did was a miracle!) While waiting to buy our PATCO pass we met Joe and Chris, two men who were waiting to enter the city so that they could go to work. It was clear they were less than enthused about waiting to enter the station but said they had been expecting the crowd. Once we had our passes in hand and on the train we were thrilled, because we were on our way into the city.

One the train and on our way into the city!

Once in Philadelphia we decided to go to St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church for the 7:45 am mass. It was only 6:45. Time to spare we arrived and began talking to a group of young people from Indiana, who informed us that mass was actually at 8:30 and the Bishop from their diocese in Indiana was celebrating the mass. More waiting, but without anywhere else to be we didn’t mind and just began getting to know the people in the group. We prayed Morning Prayer with them and their chaplain, and before we knew it they opened the doors to the church and we headed in to get a seat. (It isn’t too often that I get to church before it is even unlocked!)

Quickly the church filled with people- The Dominican Sisters from Nashville, TN were there in their white habits and black veils. (We continued to see them all throughout the city during our time in Philly.) During his homily, the Bishop told us that we were inside the church that used to be the cathedral for Philadelphia and St. John Neumann was the bishop at that time and often offered the mass inside that same church. (Bishop Neumann is who the Neumann centers across the country are named after. More information about him can be found under my post about the JPII Neumann center.)

So excited to be in the city!
(Amanda, me, Andrea, and Amy)

 After mass, Amy, Andrea, and Amanda all made their way to the bathroom and as they left in filed other people, one of whom was a woman from France named Vivi. Vivi just happened to sit next to me because there wasn’t room next to her friends, and the French mass was to start soon after the English mass ended. As we were talking, a young man from the group we had met earlier walked up to me and interrupted to give us four tickets to the independence hall talk by Pope Francis on immigration and religious freedom that afternoon! I thanked him and as he walked away Vivi looked at me and was shocked to find out that I had come all that way without any tickets. She rushed over to her friend, and came back holding 2 tickets to the meeting of families that night and 2 tickets to the Papal mass Sunday afternoon. She apologized that they did not have more, and I thanked her greatly for what she had just given me!

Once the girls came back I said good-bye to Vivi, promising to pray for her and her son Orion (please do too! J) and headed out of the church to share the great news with the group. We stood, so excited to have received the tickets and not one thought as to how we were going to decide who was going to which events. We just offered prayers of gratitude to God and as we walked away from the crowded church we stopped to ask this group of women a quick question. After a short time we find out that they are from the same small town in Pennsylvania that Amanda had grown up in. They quickly handed over 1 more ticket to both the gathering that night and for the Papal mass Sunday as well as $20 for breakfast. We couldn’t believe what had happened. The same 4 young women who had been told by so many people that they were crazy for driving to Philadelphia without a plan had within 4 hours of being in the city received 4 tickets to the Independence hall address, 3 tickets to the evening gathering, 3 tickets to the Papal mass Sunday and $20. Still in need of 1 more ticket to the World meeting of families that night and the Papal mass we were certain that God would provide for us.

With our money we decided to stop into a small French restaurant for a coffee and pastry. Who approaches us as our server but Chris, the same Chris who we had met waiting in line at the train station! We could not believe our eyes!

We saw Chris on the train into Philly and then just
happened to go to the same restaurant he was working at
about 4 hours later! 

The rest of the day continued to go well. We made our way to the independence hall gathering area for the talk on immigration and while waiting made our way to the street area in anticipation of the parade and a chance to see Pope Francis up close. No one could confirm the rout he was going to take, but sure enough he drove right past us and we were only 10 feet from him as he came closer to kiss a baby right in front of us. (I have to be honest though and admit that I couldn’t actually see him kissing the baby- I saw him get close and then disappear behind the crowd. Amanda saw it though!) After that we headed over to the grassy area to lay out our mats and lawn chairs and listen to the Pope speak about immigration and religious freedom.

Waiting for the parade to start, and a group
 of high school boys showed up
with a cut out of the Pope's face! 

At the parade we were able to see Pope Francis up close!

At the conclusion, Pope Francis led us all in a prayer, the Lords prayer, in English. It was a very touching moment for me. To say the same prayer that I recite every day and have since I was a child with the Holy Father in my native language, and with thousands of others brought tears to my eyes. 

Next we were off to the World meeting of families’ event that night at the Benjamin Franklin Parkway, but we were still in need of 1 more ticket. I decided to text me friend Jackie who I knew was in the city at the time with a group from her campus and sure enough that had an extra ticket! We made it in time to watch most of the performances, and hear the Pope speak about families. It was a very touching night and I am still processing a lot of what was said that night.

I ran into Jackie!
And she gave us a ticket!
**Visit (here) hear his speech at the gathering, with an English translator.**

At the end of the long day we headed home and went to bed around 12:00. I wish I could tell you more, but so much happened that I feel like this would become a novel by the time I finished writing it all down. What you need to remember most is that we were all so grateful for the many unexpected blessings that God poured down upon us the entire day and left exhausted but feeling the love of the Father in our hearts. 

Sunday: The day of Endurance and Tenacity

 Sunday we woke up to a new day, and soon it went from feeling like the start to another great day to feeling as if everything had gone wrong. From the outside looking in it is easy to think that Saturday was perfect and that Sunday was a complete fail. Let me explain a little bit more and soon you will understand. Knowing that we were to begin our journey home that night we decided it best to sleep in a little and arrive in Philadelphia around 11:30 since mass wasn’t to start until 4:00pm. We made our way to the line of people and soon found it filled with thousands and no security check point in sight. I would also like to point out we still only had 3 passes, but decided to go ahead and get in line and see what happened. We waited in line for over 6 hours, moving inches at a time, only to finally get past security just as everyone from the mass began filing out at 6:00pm. Standing, packed in the street with thousands of people for 6 hours, and in the end we still didn’t make it in time. Discouragement. Sadness. And we had gotten separated in the crowd so we were alone.
The beginning of the line to the Papal Mass.
This is what it looks like for most people who might hear that we waited for 6 hours and didn’t get in, but what I experienced was so much more than that.  The entire time we were waiting, I had faith and hope that we were going to make it in time, and even when it was 4:00pm and mass was starting I had faith that we would make it in time to receive the Eucharist, and at 5:30 as communion was ending I had hope that we might make it to the final blessing, and as the final blessing happened at 5:55 and I was still outside, I bowed down and received the blessing from where I was standing. Just 20 people behind making it through security I was determined to make it inside. I looked behind me to see what was left of the line, and there were only a few people. What had been hundreds behind me had dwindled down to 3 rows of about 10. As I walked through security, I had mixed emotions. I felt so glad to have met all the people that I would have never had the opportunity to encounter, but at the same time in complete honesty with myself and with God, my heart felt the pierce of sadness as reality set in that I was not going to receive Communion and the mass had ended. Tears welled in my eyes and began to fall as I began walking towards the alter where mass had been said and I got as close as I could. Along the way I had found Amy and so we unrolled a mat and kneeled together before God. After praying and giving my sadness over to God, I rolled up the mat and we went off to find Andrea and Amanda renewed in Christ who loves us and stood by us.

As I am reflecting on our experiences from the weekend, I can’t help but reflect on what God taught me in those two long days and it is something that I will hold onto for the rest of my life.

The same God who had meticulously planned my day and showered me with graces on Saturday was the same God who planned my day and showered me with graces on Sunday. Sure Sunday was filled with trials and tribulation but He was with me. He never left me. And He had a plan. Each person I encountered was for a reason. Rose, who gave us the last ticket we needed to enter through security, the three ladies from New Jersey who we also sat with on the train ride out of Philadelphia (2 hours later), Santiago and Sophie, the two children around the ages of 9 and 11 who traveled from Mexico to see the Pope with their family, the two business men from Minnesota who flew in a day early to celebrate mass with the Holy Father before their meeting on Monday morning, the couple that drove from Canada and had the most beautiful voices, the family of 5 that lived right there in Philadelphia who invited me to stay at their house the next time I am in Philadelphia to have some real African food, and the girl I never met but who was right in front of me as she went though the security line who when asked to leave her camera sick behind to enter through security did not hesitate to give it up even though the mass had ended. All of the people I encountered have affected my life, and I would have never met them had I not endured waiting in that line.

This experience has taught me that it is easy to offer God praises when life is easy, it is even easier to turn to God and ask for help when times are hard, but when times are really hard and there is no end in sight (literally), and all you want to do is to give up because you feel like God is not giving you what you want, THAT is when it is the hardest to give God praise. It was still in Gods plan, He allowed it to happen, but  He still stood with me and never left my side. When I felt discouraged, or sad he brought me hope and joy through those around me. I may not have received Christ in the Eucharist waiting in line for mass, but I received the love of Christ through each and every person around me and that is something I will never forget.   

After a long day of waiting, we packed up
and began our drive home.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Fall Outreach 2015

The Team that Pray's together, stay's together:

The New team and I have been spending a lot of time getting to know one another! Our first week here, we drove out to the Holy Family Shrine, between Omaha and Lincoln, to spend an hour in prayer together. It was a rainy day, but the view from inside this all glass shrine were just incredible! Looking forward to a great year, working alongside incredible people! 

The team and I at Holy Family Shrine.
(left: Brian, me, Amy, and Alex)

Welcome Week:

Together with some of the student leaders, the team and I have been on campus and at as many of the welcome events as we could! To start we helped by volunteering at the freshmen move in day on north campus. The week following the freshman move in was welcome week, and we made sure to be on campus each day meeting students and inviting them to our events as well! 

Studies have shown that the friends college student make their first 3 days on a campus are likely to be the friends they keep throughout their time in college. This makes the first week extremely important! 

The team and student leaders helping welcome the freshmen,
and help them move into their dorm. Often we are the first face
that welcomes these students to campus!

Spike Ball: 

Spike ball is a new game, that is very popular out in California. Many of the FOCUS teams played out there last year at the beach, and over the summer the team and I started playing as well. It is fairly easy to learn, and very similar to volleyball. It draws many people in who either already know how to play or others who are curious about the game. We have played many times on campus now, and not only is it great for meeting new people, but it is fun too! :)

Spike ball is a huge hit on campus! 
Spending time with students at the Block Party.
(left: Amber, Amanda, me, and Amy)

At the BBQ lunch with students!

SPIKEBALL! Even Durango wanted to learn how to play! 

Student Involvement Fair:

The student involvement fair is mass chaos! Amidst all of the on campus clubs, and recreational groups we found a spot where we could pass out information for all of our upcoming events. The Popsicles/otter pops on the hot day were also a success! From anyone interested we collected contact information, and by the end of the day we had contact cards from 87 students wanting to get involved! 

Some students volunteered their time to help pass out
information on FOCUS and the JPII Newman center
upcoming events and mass times at the
Student Involvement Fair. 
Handing out cups, magnates, bookmarks, and candy to
let students know of upcoming events!
 Thursday Night Mass and Bonfire:

Each Thursday night students attend the 8:15pm mass and following spend time building community doing a variety of things. The first week back we had a bonfire with s'mores, and hot dogs! About 30 students attended, including quite a few freshmen as well as returning students. 

We have a student mass each Thursday at 8:15pm
and Sunday at 9:00pm at St. Margaret Mary Parish
located across the street from UNO.
Some freshmen and I at the bonfire after mass.
(Nicole, me, and Maddy)

Tour of Campus: 

Each year we take a tour of the campus, and this year since both Brian and I were returning to UNO we gave the tour! It was so nice to know my way around campus, and I really enjoyed sharing with Alex, Amy, and Fr. Roza (our new campus chaplain) the ins and outs of where things are! 

Touring campus with the team!
(left: Alex, Brian, Amy, me, and Fr. Roza)

In front of the main campus building! 
  Womens' Night:
Each semester we host women interested in joining a bible study at our apartment for a talk and socializing. This year we had about 25 women attend, and our guest speaker spoke about how our priorities in life need to match up with how we are spending our time each day. She really emphasized how much 30 minuets of prayer each day transformed her life while in college, and encouraged the girls to try this as well.

Womens' night at our apartment! 

Wednesday Night Soccer:

Each wednesday night there is a consistent group of students who get together to play soccer on campus. This was the second Wednesday of the semester, and by far the most well attended! There were about 30 people who showed up, including both Father Taphorn and Father Roza. Even the campus security guard came out to play with us for a bit! :) 

Some of us after the game took a pic!
(left: Amanda, me, Maddy, Megan, and Megan)

The year has begun and we are running fast. In the coming weeks things will start to slow down as students begin to fall into their regular routines, and bible studies should be up and going next week. Please continue to pray for us here in Omaha, and know of my prayers for you! Peace of Christ be with you and your family always. 

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Coming Fall 2016: JPII Newman Center

(For the latest information go to:

June 30, 2015, marked the ground breaking in Omaha for construction of the St. John Paul II Newman center. Students from around the Omaha are were there to help with the ground breaking, and one student who has been involved with FOCUS this past year was chosen to give a speech at the event. We are all very excited for this, as a home base is exactly what the students in Omaha need. Please visit the website for more updated information, and enjoy the pictures below!

Samantha, UNO Junior, giving a speech at the groundbreaking.

Students spoke with the local media about what
this Newman center means to them!

The UNO students during the ceremonial ground breaking

What exactly is a Newman center?

Named in honor of Blessed John Henry Cardinal Newman, Newman Centers are residence and Catholic ministry centers at non-Catholic universities throughout the world. Hartwell de la Garde Grissell founded the first Newman Club in 1888 at Oxford University. Newman Centers welcome Christians of other denominations to participate in meetings and social events as well.

Cardinal Newman was a prodigy in theology, philosophy and education. John Henry Newman did not convert to Roman Catholicism until the age of 44, when he founded the first English-speaking Oratory of St. Philip Neri in Birmingham, England. In 1879, he was appointed a cardinal of the Catholic Church. Cardinal Newman’s influential writings and scholarly works significantly shaped religious theories not only during his time, but also throughout the 20th century, and into studies across the world today. (Source: Wikipedia)

Monday, April 20, 2015

Spring Break Mission to NYC

Spring Break 2015: Many young adults across the country have unlimited options of where they are going to spend their break. Some choose to go to the beaches of Mexico, Florida, or California. Others take ski trips to Colorado or Utah. I know last year at this time I organized a cruise for 11 of my friends and myself. Spending my break serving others was never a thought that I really took seriously, and that's why I have so much respect for the 15 students who instead of going with their friends to the beach or skiing, they said yes to a pilgrimage trip to New York City. Together during that week we served the Capuchin Franciscan Friars of the Renewal , Sisters of Life, and the Apostolic Oblates .

Staying in the Bronx with the Friars, we assisted them in upkeep of their facility that serves as both a youth center for the high school students in the area, and a shelter for the homeless. The Friars rely solely on donations to run their facility, and needed our help with things like repainting the gym, building flower beds, stripping paint off of window seals and doors, and deep cleaning/organizing storage areas and classrooms. We spent our afternoons doing this, and then would get cleaned up so that at night we could spend time with the high school students that come to the youth center to play basketball. Father Luke, one of the Friars, explained that the students who come will for the most part put up with the 30 min Bible study that he leads so that they can play indoor basketball and volleyball in the gym after. I think that this was a very eye opening experience for many of on the trip, who for the most part were raised going to private schools in the Omaha area. 

One afternoon we spent out in Stamford, Connecticut with the Sisters of Life at their retreat center. They were preparing for a retreat that weekend so we helped them with any preparations they had to make, including things like pruning bushes, prep cooking and baking, cleaning the bathrooms, making beds, and then participated in both prayer and mass with them. Their joy that they share in everything that they do was very contagious, and we all left the facility feeling as if we did not serve them, but were actually served by them during our time there. 

Another day we went to Queens, New York and volunteered at a Catholic school that is run by the Apostolic Oblates. We broke into teams of 2 and each team visited a different classroom and taught a lesson. Haylea and I had the kindergartners and for our lesson we had the children draw a picture of them and Jesus doing their favorite activity. Many of the students drew Jesus at recess with them, others went skating with Jesus, and so on. We were trying to communicate with them how Jesus is everywhere with us, and likes to be invited to do things with us in our lives. That He enjoys doing the things that we enjoy doing! 

Amidst all of the different activities, we remained rooted and grounded in prayer and the celebration of the mass. Each day would start with prayer and daily mass, and conclude with a sharing of graces (A particular moment of joy and thanksgiving) and night prayer before going to bed. As it turns out, my favorite moments of the trip were actually at the end of the day, listening to each person and how they encountered Jesus. 

On or last day in NYC, we took the metro to Manhattan Island to experience the big city. We stopped by many places including St. Patricks Cathedral and then split into two groups. One group went to see the Statue of Liberty, while the other went to the Met to experience the art. It was an amazing trip with a wonderful group of students and I am so blessed to have the opportunity to have experienced this with them. Thank you to my mission partners, with out your continued support and prayers, I would not be able to be here and witness to how The Lord is touching the lives of these students. Thank you! 

Group Picture in NYC! 

There were so many pictures form the trip, that I compiled them into a video. Hope you like it!

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Greek Mega Bible Study

On a Tuesday night, a group of about 25 students involved in greek life at UNO came to the "Mega Bible Study" hosted by my teammate Adam and I. It was co ed, which offered a different dynamic than the traditional studies that are held each week. The topic of discussion for the night is something that I think everyone can relate to: Relationship, Identity, and Mission. 

25 students came out for the Greek Mega Study

Caleb, Jill and I before the study began!
Caleb and Jill are both on the FOCUS Greek Exec committee and are helping to plan events like this in the future! Each of them are learning ways in which they can reach out to their sorority and fraternity members now, and eventually how to lead a life of evangelization in the workplace after college.

Study on Relationship, Identity, and Mission
It was crowded, but not a problem for these college students. We just pulled up couches, and chair and this room transformed from a formal meeting space into a comfortable lounge, where the students (and myself included) could listen to God's word, learn from each other, and eat snacks! 

Pulling up couches and chairs, there
was just enough seating for everyone!

Jill, Marisa, Myself, and Ali after the study.

This mega bible study went very smoothly! Opinions and questions were brought up by the students and it was so great to hear them discussing and explaining to each other the importance of things like prayer, and going to church. The importance of having a personal relationship for Christ, and how they also need to invite their friends into that relationship. It seems like the students I am working with are really understanding the importance of their actions and how they can both make a positive or negative influence on those around them...and they are choosing to make sacrifices so that they can lead their friends and others to Christ! I am so blessed to be living here to witness this and help them along the way. Please continue to pray for me and the students I encounter. Thank you!

Monday, March 9, 2015

Nebraska March for Life

Thousands of people gathered at the Capitol in Lincoln and marched in the snow and slush early on a Saturday January 31, 2015. News story here All religions, all ages, and all organizations that are pro life were present. 

My favorite poster from one of the young Pro Life marchers!

Many students and parishes from Omaha drove to Lincoln to join the thousands of marchers in support of the walk for life. Even the snow/sleet/rain could not keep the pro life marchers away! (The Arizona girl in me was crying inside, but the new Nebraskan was ready for the adventure in the snow at 8am! All things become possible with both passion and God.)

Elizabeth and I taking a picture in the snow!
 (Yes, even the snow could not keep us  away!)

Snow and sleet making it a very wet morning.

Students from the College of Saint Mary in Omaha.

Brian, Me, and Teresa drove from Omaha to Lincoln
 to be present at the pro life March in Lincoln.

"We <3 Babies"
Boys will be boys: these high school boys ran the distance from the capitol to UNL and then stood outside until the conclusion of the march. Their chests were painted as if they were going to a football game, but instead of cheering on their team they painted their chest for those who do not have a voice! They painted their chest pink and blue with the message, "WE <3 BABIES." 

Jason Evert in Omaha: Chastity

Jason Evert and his wife Crystalina.
Jason and Crystalina Evert have spoken to more than one million people on six continents about the virtue of chastity. After working for Catholic Answers in San Diego for more than a decade, the couple moved to Denver and began a new ministry focused solely on promoting purity: Chastity Project. One of the Parishes in Omaha hosted Jason Evert for a Q&A session for the college age students in the area. Over 100 students were in attendance, and let me tell you the impact was huge on many of the students!  

 Jason Evert in Omaha! He is a national speaker
on chastity, and was one of the guest speakers
 in Nashville at SEEK. 

Who attended?

Over 100 college age students in Omaha attended this talk about chastity. Keep in mind that there was no one "type" of student in attendance. Some of the students were faithful Catholics. Some had attended SEEK in January and liked what they heard from Jason there. Still more came at the invitation of a friend, not knowing exactly what to expect. 

 One student, Marisa, came to this talk and I have had the privilege of getting to know her over this past month. Since this talk in early February she has attended the Thursday night Mass's, Greek Community nights, as well as Sunday night Mass's each week. She also joined the bible study that is being led by one of my disciples, Ali. (They are both in Chi Omega). For lent, I saw her on ash wednesday at a fundraiser event on campus. As soon as she saw me, she couldn't wait to tell me that she had just come from Mass. (Which I could see, from the ashes on her forehead.)  She went on to say that not only did she go, but her entire family went with her, and they haven't been to church together in years. I can't wait to see what where this journey to Christ leads her, and I am privileged to be a part of it. Thank you for joining me in this journey: together you are helping me reach students like Marisa each day here in Omaha
One of the best things about being in Omaha, is that not only do I have the opportunity to impact the students, but I have the ability to impact the entire family! 
I was able to sit very close with the students
who came with me!

So what kinds of questions did the students ask?

You might be curious to hear some of the questions that college students are asking today. Below are just a few of the questions that were asked, and Jason did not hesitate to answer any one of them! 

"What is wrong with reading 50 Shades of Grey?"

"What's the point of saving sex for marriage? Don't we need to 'practice' so we know what we are doing?" 

"Can a person of the opposite sex be the accountability partner for a friend who is struggling with a porn addiction?"

"Why is it bad to spend the night at your boyfriend/girlfriends house if you don't do anything other than sleep next to them?" 

"Is it ever ok to take birth control?"

Jason discussed answers to these questions, and many others. He also discussed how students can start living a chaste life today. I recommend checking out his website to see all that Jason is involved with and how he became an international speaker about chastity. He also recommends for anyone who is struggling with an addiction to porn. (Not something we like to talk about, but something that is affecting men and women everywhere. It knows no one type of demographic. In fact, the statistic is that by the age of 11 most children have been exposed to porn.) 

Over 100 students in attendance for the Q&A about Chastity.
Thank you for your continued prayers and support. Because of you, so many students are having life changing experiences and encounters with God while they are in college. Speakers like Jason are able to come to Omaha to give presentations about chastity and not only do the students attend, but they are engaged in a conversation with him throughout! 

Spiritual Bootcamp (Feb 2015)

The Spiritual bootcamp was a retreat built around getting to know the Holy Spirit and receiving spiritual healing. Jen, a grad student in the engineering program at UNO, came with me and it was a great experience for the two of us and the other students who were able to come!

Jen and I at the retreat! 

Praying with the students.

Going for a walk to pray with the students
and Father Taphorn. 

Students came from across Nebraska for the retreat.

At the end of the retreat, the students were trained on how to pray with one another so that they can bring the power of prayer to their campuses. Pray for them and all of us here in Nebraska (and Pittsburg). Thank you!

Monday, March 2, 2015

Big Mamma's Kitchen

When not a single bank would offer Big Mamma a loan just 8 years ago, she was 65, retired and had no experience in the restaurant business. Determined to not let that get in her way she applied for a loan through a company that takes risks on people like Big Mamma. Her dream of opening up her kitchen to serve more people soon became a reality and today she still cooks the old fashioned way. (no microwaves!)

This restaurant is located in one of the rougher neighborhoods of Omaha, and can be hard to find unless you know exactly where you are going. For Fr. Hoesing's birthday he wanted to go to Big Mamma's and we all enjoyed ourselves!  
Big Mamma came and shared with us how
her restaurant got it's start. 
The team and I at lunch for Fr. Hoesing's Birthday!