Friday, January 15, 2016

Last of the Fall Semester

This past fall semester was packed with so many great things, I hope you enjoy this compilation of pictures of the various events the FOCUS team and I hosted or participated in! 

Nicole and Maddy after Mass on Sunday!
They are both freshmen who have been attending my
Bible study all semester :)

Some of my Bible study girls and I went to the pumpkin patch together!
So much fun! 

Oh...and this is my Best friend Katie- we went to
school at NAU together. She came out to visit
and joined us at the pumpkin patch of coarse!
It was so fun to introduce her to the students!

Pumpkin carving on a Thursday night after mass! 

Some painted pumpkins, others painted faces, and I carved mine! 

This is Halee, she is another one of the girls in my freshman
Bible Study! 

On campus at the Health fair! Amy my teammate, and Katie the
Campus Minister were with me, as well as my male teammates
(not pictured) and Father Taphorn. Spiritual health is important!

Durango, the mascot, signed up to receive bible study information! 

Fall retreat in South Dakota was very restful and
I gave a talk on mission. It was the 3rd of 3 talks given at the retreat,
and I really enjoyed sharing my love of Christ and
how I invite others into this relationship with
the students! About 25 students attend this retreat.
Just a few of the students at the retreat!

Abby Johnson, a pro life advocate, came to Omaha and
a group of us went to hear her speak out against abortion. 

This is our group who went to hear Abby Johnson speak. She herself used
to work for planned parenthood, and since having a conversion
dedicated her life to helping former PP workers find alternative jobs
and receive counseling. 

These are the girls who drove with me to listen to Abby johnson.
Halee, Amanda, Steph, and Nicole!

Halloween was a blast for this blue fairy and her
tourist friend! A small group of us went to
eat sushi for dinner in DT Omaha!

A few of us with Matt Fradd after he spoke in Omaha.
Matt is an Anti-Pornography speaker who works with
the I was privileged to help plan this event
with the Archdiocese of Omaha! 

Amanda and Amber after the mug exchange at my apartment.
The holiday season is always a fun time to gather with
friends! I am going to miss these girls next year! 

As I reflect on these pictures and the semester passed, I could not be more thankful to be back in Omaha this year. God has blessed me more than I could ever imagine, and I am truly going to miss living here amongst all of these wonderful people. I am excited for the Student Leadership Summit, and the 18 students coming with UNO to grow in leadership. I cannot wait for the spring semester to begin and continue walking with these students in the ups and downs that will come. Pray for us here, as we pray for you. And always stay rooted and grounded in the love of Christ, for it is He who will bring all the peace we ever need. <3